1. life posted in endless time - lmfao
a blog. things in my life worth noting, at times when I'm up to blogging about it.
2. Mammoth and Mastodon & Friends
Mammoth and Mastodon & Friends. A webcomic that will change your life
3. The Red Letter Edition
A multi denominational community of pastors blogs and testimonies. ... Featured Post What is the Bible Basically About? These are really good…. I had to share!
4. Tunisia’s revolution: ‘Twitter saved my life’ | Posted ...
Tunisia’s so-called Twitter Revolution is different than the Iranian and Moldovan ones that preceded it: Some say Twitter saved lives in Tunisia. There were tweets ...
5. My Picture, "It's a Dog's Life." Posted o... on Twitpic
My Picture, "It's a Dog's Life." Posted on March 3, 2011.
6. Dating Opening Lines To Bridge You To The Land Of The Promise ...
Dating Opening Lines To Bridge You To The Land Of The Promise Eternal Love Life Posted By Frank K Githinji:
7. a life posted for the world .. - Recovered (mostly).
Recovered (mostly). So, I’ve been sick since Friday morning, though it only started off as a cough, it escalated into a cold which kept me in bed until Monday.
8. Insider: I've Seen The ‘Breaking Dawn’ Script...Edward & Bella ...
A source has claimed to have read the Breaking Dawn script, and she shares a scene in which a brutal showdown between the Cullens and the Volturi le