1. mgspeed.com
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2. Gazelle Enterprises Ltd.
http://www.gazellehk.com/e/default_home.asp http://www.9689.tradebig.com: Contact Person : Ms. Apple Tse, Ms. Joanne Wong: e-Mail : Click here to contact us
3. Headwear < Apparel Manufacturers in the Yahoo! Directory
www.gazellehk.com; Headmost Manufacturer/wholesaler of caps, other headwear, ad specialty items, and custom embroidery items available. www.headmost.com
4. b2s.com - Manufacturers, suppliers and products from Greater China
13/F Chi Wo Commercial Building, 20 Saigon Street, Yaumatei, Hong Kong HK: Tel: 852-26908619: Fax: 852-26902551: E-mail: Other Website: www.gazellehk.com
5. Gazelle Enterprises Ltd. Profile
... 86-769-6530-409; Fax : 86-769-6531-397; Homepage : http://www.gazellehk.com
6. Buyer’s newsletter - For Visitors - International Specialized ...
www.gazellehk.com: High quality headdress, bag and scarf producer: YING SHING FASHION JEWELRY CO., LTD. (Taiwan) www.johnsonfashion.com.tw: Gifts and costume jewellery
7. Hats Information | Business.com
Gazelle Enterprises Manufacturer and exporter of cut and sewn caps and hats, as well as bags, scarves and other accessories. www.gazellehk.com
8. Gazelle - Factbites
rd.business.com /index.asp?epm=s.1&bdcq=gazelle&bdcr=1&bdcu=http://www.gazellehk.com/&bdct=20071118115328&bdcp=&partner=2662601&bdcs=nwuuid-2662601-76998B1F-31D0-E0A4-1615 ...