1. BMIHT.CO.UK - Push 2 Check
description: Museum and archive devoted to the history of the British motor industry and road transport history, containing documents, vehicles, images, located in the UK.
2. BMIHT info
Getting production information on your British Car Last Update July 26, 1997
3. Pioneers - BMIHT - The Heritage Motor Centre
Pioneers Below is a list of 20 landmark vehicles that made breakthroughs in the engineering and manufacture of road vehicles over the last 2 centuries.
4. Bicycles - BMIHT - The Heritage Motor Centre
1817: Baron Karl von Drais patents 'pushbike': rider pushed feet against the ground
5. Cars - BMIHT - The Heritage Motor Centre
1996: General Motors EVI purpose built battery electric car launched
6. BMIHT - What does BMIHT stand for? Acronyms and abbreviations by ...
Acronym Definition; BMIHT: British Motor Industry Heritage Trust (UK)
7. Nick Baldwin - BMIHT - The Heritage Motor Centre
Nick Baldwin Nick Baldwin compiled the Collection over a period of fifty years in his capacity as motoring writer, vehicle restorer and classic car auction adviser.
8. BMIHT Certificate Info.
Are you a classic British vehicle owner? The British Motor Heritage Industry Trust can offer you a certificate suitable for framing.