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2. Bjhr.gov.cn - AboutUs Wiki Page
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4. Welcome to HuaiRou
·Huairou District lies in the northeast of Beijing, with a total area of 2128.7 km2, 88.7% of which is mountainous area.
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6. Welcome to HuaiRou
Green Dragon Gorge is located at Huairou District. It is 20 kilometers away from Huairou downtown and 75km away from Beijing’s city area.
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9. 北京怀柔招商网
Tel: +86-10-69692561 69691925 69691965. Add: 56#, Kaifang Road. Huairou Investment Promotion Bureau. Huairou, Beijing, China 101400. E-mail: zsj@bjhr.gov.cn. Website: www.bjhr-zsj.com.cn