Social housing development funding, UK housing development grant...
Explains social housing development, its financial appraisal and bidding for UK housing grants, and social exclusion
The Haven Women's Refuge
Providing Emergency Temporary Accommodation and Support Services to women and children who are affected by Domestic Violence and Homelessness
Community Legal Advice - free legal advice for residents of Engl...
A free and confidential advice service paid for by legal aid - all of our help and advice is completely government funded.
Welcome to Emmaus UK
Homeless charity Emmaus: creating homes, work and opportunities for homeless people to rebuild lives in supportive communities around the UK
Broadland Housing Association - Home Page
Provides affordable homes to rent in East Anglia. All types of housing let to those in housing need.
The Amber Foundation: the charity for homeless & unemployed youn...
We are a residential charity that offers a fresh start to homeless unemployed young adults and helps them gain employment and accommodation. These young people may also...
Alone in London
Alone in London: Welcome page. Alone in London works to prevent homelessness in young people (under 26), by providing support, family mediation and immediate advice if yo...
Fairbridge supports young people aged 13 - 25 giving them the motivation, confidence and skills they need to overcome issues such as drug and alcohol misuse, crime, unemp...

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