1. 星城软件
2009年推出两大系列产品,分... 2008年将升级为b/s架构,... 2007年星城erp管理系统成... 2006年工厂erp升级“星城...
2. B o o k : E x c e r p t s - w w w . u r b a n c a m p i n g . c a
Urban Camping - A Testament to Living Without a Vehicle - A book by Andrea and Peter Tombrowski about living simpler in an urban setting.
3. Two Voices To Imagine - a Head-Cleaners Hypnosis CD and Hypnosis ...
powerful, entrancing hypnotic verbal tapestries for empowerment, relief, self-control & relaxation
Filing Information: February 2008, IDC #210518e, Volume: 1 Special Reports: Excerpt EXCERPT Application Modernization: Do Service Providers Play Variations on the Same Tune?
EXCERPT IDC MarketScape: Worldwide IT Education and Training 2009 Vendor Analysis Cushing Anderson IN THIS EXCERPT This Excerpt is taken from the IDC Competitive Analysis, IDC ...
6. 2009 Ecommerce Benchmark Report
Data for Ecommerce Marketers: 180 Charts & Tables 2009 Ecommerce Benchmark Report Note: This is an authorized excerpt from the full MarketingSherpa 2009 Ecommerce Benchmark and Report.
7. Worldwide Business Intelligence Tools 2009 Vendor Shares
Filing Information: June 2010, IDC #223725E1: Excerpt EXCERPT Worldwide Business Intelligence Tools 2009 Vendor Shares Dan Vesset IN THIS EXCERPT This IDC Excerpt is taken from the ...
8. Ozgur Aytar - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything! 123people.com
Co-Authors: Ozgur Aytar, Sr. Analyst, CMT Research & Guy Zibi, Director, CMT Research. www.pyramidresearch.com. R E P O R T E X C E R P T. R E P O R T E X C E R P T ...
9. Liz Mcclain - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything! 123people.com
E X C E R P T S E X C E R P T S: range of topics (including history, biography, arts and culture, and the ...
10. Satsang with Mooji
Satsang with Mooji, the recognition and direct experience of Being