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Raven test, matrices test, 60 questions - 40 minutes. Score automatically.
Updated: 12 Aug 2010
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test   2383
raven   84
progressive   386
advanced   2370
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Content pages from the website

1. Raven test | Raven progressive matrices test
Raven test, progressive matrices, 60 questions - 40 minutes. Score automatically.

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Raven's Progressive Matrices (often referred to simply as Raven's Matrices) are multiple choice intelligence tests of abstract reasoning, originally developed by Dr. John C. Raven in ...
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5. Raven Matrices Test
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6. IQ Tests | Verbal IQ Tests | The Raven Riddle IQ Test
The following 15 riddles were created by Thomas A. Smith Jr. The answers to the riddles all share a common thread: they contain the word ever. The word may appear outright or may ...
7. The Ravens Test is built with matrices for all cultures.
The Raven’s Test has capability to measure intelligence of whites, blacks, Asians and Chinese equally well.
8. The Raven and CoGAT Tests -
Question: My son was given the Raven test in the second grade and scored in the 99th percentile. As a result he was placed in the gifted program at his school in California.
9. Raven Standard Progressive Matrices
Raven Standard Progressive Matrices. Purpose: Designed to measure a person’s ability to form perceptual relations. Population: Ages 6 to adult.

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