1. Pxhuihua.com Site Info
pxhuihua.com is ranked number 27,678,315 in the world according to the Alexa Traffic Rank.
2. Pingxiang Huihua Ceramic Packing(filling) Co., Ltd - Ceramic ...
produce : Ceramic, metallic and plastic tower packing,Ceramic Ball, alumina ball,honeycomb ceramic,Molecular Sieve, Activated Alumina, Catalyst,used in petrochemical,chemical ...
3. Activated Alumina Ball | pxhuihua | Import Export Trade Leads ...
Product: Activated Alumina Ball, Country: China, Category: Offers to Sell and Export, Date: Fri 19 Jun, 2009 7:32 am
4. PingXiang HuiHua Packing Co.,Ltd.
http://www.pxhuihua.com ... Profile: PingXiang HuiHua Packing Co.,Ltd. produce ceramic ball, alumina ball and ...
5. Pingxiang Huihua Co.,Ltd. - Business Directory RM
+ 86 (799) 6819568: Mobile phone: + 86 (189) 79961389: Fax: + 86 (799) 6829328: URL address: http://www.pxhuihua.com: Contact person: Fiona: Position: Manager
6. Pingxiang huihua chemical packing co.,ltd.
Pingxiang huihua chemical packing co.,ltd. is a manufacturer of Ceramic, Metallic and plastic packings, Ceramic Balls, and Molecular Sieve.
7. Pingxiang Huihua Packing Co., Ltd. -supply, sell ceramic balls ...
Fax: 86-799-6829328 Addr: pingxiang Jiangxi, China (Mainland) Zip: 337022: HomePage: http://www.baihexing.qy6.net (Add to Favorite) http://www.pxhuihua.com/en
8. Inert alumina ceramic ball (CERAMIC BALL)
The Inert alumina ceramic ball is offered by Pingxiang huihua chemical packing co.,ltd..