1. Petcor Flea and Tick Spray for Dogs and Cats, Kittens
Petcor kills flea eggs and fleas on pets and can be combined with odorless Suspend SC and Precor to control fleas in your home.
2. Petcore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PET Container Recycling Europe, commonly known as Petcore, is a Brussels-based non-profit European trade association. Petcore was founded in 1992 to promote the collection ...
3. PETCORE - What does PETCORE stand for? Acronyms and abbreviations ...
Acronym Definition; PETCORE: Polyethylene Terephthalate Container Recycling Europe
4. Petcore | PET Containers Recycling Europe
Ensuring the plastics cycle is economically sound, environmentally justified, and socially accepted.
5. Hydrocarbon Developement Institute of Pakistan - Petcore
Petcore: PAKISTAN PETROLEUM CORE HOUSE (PETCORE) Pakistan Petroleum Core House (PETCORE) is a part of Petroleum Geology Division of HDIP. The facility is unique in both its ...
6. PETrecycling CZ - PETCORE News - Press release 2001-2003
PETrecycling CZ is non-trade, freelance, free of charge, not supported Czech web portal for funs, communities, administrative, law-makers, politicians ...
7. PETCORE - PressReleaseFinder.com
PETCORE - PET Container Recycling Europe - is a non-profit association, whose key objective is to facilitate the economical recovery of plastic containers (with emphasis ...
8. PETCORE highlights good practices in Belgium: FOST Plus ...
PETCORE highlights good practices in Belgium: FOST Plus: developing a successful collection and recycling programme In the past year 2000, a total of more than 282.000 ...