European feminist network, working toward gender equality and justice through awareness raising, lobbying, and advocacy. Includes general information, campaign information, and ...
2. OrgwideLearning - Changing the economics of Learning
Mass create Member accounts; Provide access to secure proprietary course listings; Track the completion of all learning activities; All these convenient features are provided ...
3. orgwide.com
Orgwide.com is a domain controlled by two name servers at worldspice.net. Both are on the same IP network. The primary name server is ns01.worldspice.net. Incoming mail for orgwide ...
4. Org Wide
Appendix A Calculating Respondent Credit Exposures on an Organization-Wide BasisRespondent Bank's Gross Credit Exposure to a Correspondent, its Holding Company and ...
5. (org)wide (orgwide) on Twitter
Let (org)wide services enhance the ways in which you and your organization inform and become informed.
6. Wide SCSI from FOLDOC
Wide SCSI < hardware, standard > A variant on the SCSI-2 interface. It uses a 16-bit bus - double the width of the original SCSI-1 - and therefore cannot be connected to a SCSI-1 bus.
7. Employment Opportunities
WPHC Job Opportunities ... Home Employment Opportunities: Employment Opportunities White Plains Hospital-
8. Widelands - Libregamewiki
Widelands is a remake of the Settlers II real-time strategy game. It uses the Simple DirectMedia Layer and is written in the C++ programming language. The source code and media are ...
9. Org Wide
A B; 1: Appendix A: 2 : 3 : Calculating Respondent Credit Exposures on an Organization-Wide Basis: 4 : 5 : Respondent Bank's Gross Credit Exposure to a Correspondent, its Holding ...