1. Unix Domain - The UNIX and Linux Forums
hello, how can we create a domain in unix operating systems. By domain i mean which is used to maintain remote user logins and etc. cheers
2. Unix domain socket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Unix domain socket or IPC socket (inter-process communication socket) is a data communications endpoint for exchanging data between processes executing within the same ...
3. UNIX domain socket - LinuxQuestions.org
Hello all I have a problem with UNIX Domain Socket. I have written a client program to send data to a server which is a VLC program by UNIX Domain
4. Unix domain sockets vs TCP Sockets - Bhavin’s Blog
21 May, 2011 . Unix domain sockets vs TCP Sockets . Posted by Bhavin Turakhia. Here are two interesting links I found comparing the features and performance differences ...
5. Unix domain socket - Philippines
Figure 8 83 Creating a new Stacking Provider via domain socket To specify an IPv4 socket the IP address and port of the host has to be specified To specify a unix domain ...
6. Netlink or Unix Domain Sockets | KernelTrap
Hello! What is the suggested way to implement socket-based IPC between two userland applications in Linux 2.6? Netlink or Unix Domain Sockets? The matter of permormance ...
7. Unix Domain Sockets - Docstoc – Documents, Templates, Forms ...
Unix Domain SocketsComputer Network Programming1Outline• Motivation • What are Unix domain sockets• address structure • How to use unix domain sockets ...
8. 'nc' does not support Unix Domain Socket - Unix Linux Forum ...
Hi, The nc in slackware does not support operate on Unix Domain Socket. I found in web some nc's manual has -O option which is for Unix Domain socket.
9. TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP ...
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP, and the UNIX Domain Protocols, Addison-Wesley, 1996, ISBN 0-201-63495-3.