1. nigrosine: Definition from Answers.com
nigrosine n. Any of a class of dyes, varying from blue to black, used in the manufacture of inks and for dyeing wood and textiles
2. Nigrosine | Define Nigrosine at Dictionary.com
–noun Chemistry. any of the class of deep blue or black dyes obtained by the oxidation of aniline, used as coloring agents in inks and shoe polishes and for dyeing leather, wood ...
3. nigrosine - definition of nigrosine in the Medical dictionary - by ...
nigrosine (n gr-s n, -s n) or ni·gro·sin (-s n) n. Any of a class of aniline dyes that vary from blue to black and are used as stains for nervous tissue and as a negative stain for ...
4. Nigrosine CAS 8005-03-6
Suppliers List, E-mail/RFQ Form, Molecular Structure, Weight, Formula, IUPAC, Synonyms for Nigrosine CAS 8005-03-6
5. nigrosine - definition of nigrosine by the Free Online Dictionary ...
ni·gro·sine (n gr-s n, -s n) n. Any of a class of dyes, varying from blue to black, used in the manufacture of inks and for dyeing wood and textiles.
Nigrosine is used in dying of leather, wood and textiles. It is used in the ...
7. nigrosine - Definition of nigrosine at YourDictionary.com
noun. any of a group of blue-black or black dyes used as pigments in inks, dyes, shoe polish, etc.
8. What is a word nigrosine meaning. Definition of nigrosine.
nigrosine definition, meaning of word nigrosine, anagram of nigrosine. very deep blue or black coal tar dyestuffs.