1. Home | Legatus
To study, live, and spread the Catholic Faith in our business, professional, and personal lives.
2. Legatus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A legatus (often anglicized as legate) was a general in the Roman army, equivalent to a modern general officer. Being of senatorial rank, his immediate superior was ...
3. How 'Legatus' Brought Down Wall Street - Gawker — Today's gossip ...
Some people believe that Nostradamus predicted the Wall Street crash of 1929. But a modern age requires modern prophets. On a Google Finance message board last July ...
4. Legatus Magazine
Legatus Magazine is the official membership magazine for Legatus, a membership organization of Catholic CEOs and executives.
5. Qualifications | Legatus
Legatus, a membership organization for Catholic business leaders and spouses, exists to help members become “ambassadors for Christ” nurturing four key aspects of ...
6. LEGATUS - speed to market
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7. Legatus of Cleveland, Ohio
8. Corapi: Obedience = life | Legatus Magazine
Renowned preacher tells St. Louis that humility leads to obedience and life . . . by Patrick Novecosky Renowned preacher Fr. John Corapi reminded
Legatus Wills Online offers you complete peace of mind, through a series of easy steps, enabling you to draw up a legally watertight will.