1. Intermine | Home
Downloads Evaluation software, release notes, FAQs, plug-ins, and more.
2. Intermine | FileCensus
Visualize Information Lifecycle Management. Stop buying hardware. Be efficient with your storage. FileCensus by Intermine--2008 Finalist for SoftwareCEO's "Most ...
3. InterMine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
InterMine is a powerful open source data warehouse system. Using InterMine, you can create databases of biological data accessed by sophisticated web query tools.
4. InterMine - GMOD
InterMine makes it easy to integrate multiple data sources into a single data warehouse. It has a core data model based on the Sequence Ontology and supports several ...
5. InterMune: Home
InterMune is a commercially driven biopharmaceutical company focused on the marketing, development and applied research of life-saving therapies for pulmonary disease ...
6. modMine: Home
Integrated database for Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans genomics
7. University of Cambridge Graduate School of Life Sciences
Graduate School of Life Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK ... InterMine - advanced querying and web services Richard Smith Department of Genetics
8. Intermine - definition of Intermine by the Free Online Dictionary ...
In`ter`mineĀ“ v. t. 1. To intersect or penetrate with mines.
9. RatMine: Error page
... v 2.2011-03-09. Powered by InterMine 0.96 ... Questions? Comments? Click here!
10. Python Package Index : intermine 0.97.00
InterMine WebService client ... Author: Alex Kalderimis <dev at intermine org> Documentation: intermine package documentation