IMS - Instrumentation and Measurement Society ... President's Message. Dear Colleague, Welcome to the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society's website.
2. IEEE - Join the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS)
Join IEEE Instrumentation and ... This society focuses on the science of developing and using electrical and electronic instruments for the purpose of measuring ...
3. www.imsociety.org
www.imsociety.org has one IP number (, which is the same as for imsociety.org, via cname to imsociety.ama.uk.com, but the reverse is server40093.uk2net.com ...
4. Region Map
IMS - Instrumentation and Measurement Society ... The 2010 Outstanding Chapter Award goes to the Taipei Section Chapter, chaired by Prof. Din Ping Tsai, for their outstanding ...
5. International Menopause Society - imsociety.org - PageInsider.com
A non-profit organization focused on promoting knowledge concerning climacteric and menopause. Provides information on facts regarding hormonal treatment, news ...
6. The Historic Boston House - The GRIM Society: Greetings
The Governor’s House (McCarty House) Fort Pierce, Florida; That’s Not Paranormal Evidence—Its Your Mind Playing Tricks On You! Paranormal Research Techniques ...
7. Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine
President’s Perspectives Kim Fowler. Greetings. I am honored to serve as president of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement (I&M) Society. I follow in the giant ...
8. S.A.C.I.M. - Society for Aid to Children Inoperable in Mauritius
SACIM provides aid to poor Mauritian children suffering from conditions which cannot be operated upon in Mauritius and which can be operated abroad, and to obtain such ...