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3. The Daryl Hall and John Oates Fan Page
Welcome to the (unofficial) Daryl Hall and John Oates Home Page! The new and improved Hall and Oates web site now uses frames. Apparently you are not using a frames-capable browser ...
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5. IWCreations.com is Innovative Web Creations, a Virgina web design ...
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7. YouTube - Ice maker
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8. Daryl Hall and John Oates
http://www.iwcreations.com/hall_oates/ The world's first and oldest Hall and Oates website, home of the Hall and Oates listserv!
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Separate each tag with a space: beat bass processed hard. Or to join 2 words together ... IWcreations
10. Daryl Hall, Sarah Allen pic? - Yahoo! Answers
You can find a picture of Sara Allen here: http://www ... http://www.iwcreations.com/hall_oates/images/Daryl&Sara.jpg ... Why do people still believe that MJ's kids arent ...