UK Home Learning Courses for internet, web design, IT, Computing, Child care, Social Care and Book-Keeping courses. Learn from home and choose from many Business and Marketing courses
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Homepage links
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Internal links from the site's home page define the general site's sections and serves as one of the most important factors of site ranking. External links tie the site with other sites and determines the site's theme. Relation of external links to internal links influences the distribution of the site's rank for search engines. It's desirable that the amount of internal links prevail.
Content pages from the website
1. Home Learning Courses | lists the latest UK home learning courses for a range of subjects. We list courses for Internet, Web Design, I.T and Computing, Teaching ...
2. Child Care Home Learning Courses |
Child Care home learning courses, choose from Diploma in Child Psychology, Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools, NCFE Early Learning and Childcare, Diploma in ...
1. Study Distance Learning Courses and Professional Qualifications at ...
Gain qualifications in Business, IT, Care, Education, Construction, Engineering, Beauty and Fitness, plus GCSEs, A Levels and Degrees through home study.
2. Open Study College - Home Learning Courses & Distance Learning ...
Find out how home learning can work for you. Anna Cross gained her qualification and is amazed at what she has achieved. Find out what you can achieve by watching ...
3. Home Learning - Home Study Courses, Online Courses, Distance ...
Online Courses and information on home learning, home study courses and other distance learning courses provided in the UK. Learn from home by taking a home study ...
4. Distance Learning Courses | E-Learning Qualifications | Home ...
Study from home with the UK's No.1 Home Study course provider. Choose from a wide range of courses and unlock your true potential to get the job you want. Learn ...
5. home learning courses - University of the People – The world’s ...
UoPeople home learning courses use through the pioneering peer-to-peer teaching methods. Despite being in home learning environments, students are able to develop ...
ATHE used to offer extensive resources to schools and colleges across the U.K. As time moved on however we began to specialise in developing qualifications which took ...