1. HITLANTIS | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos
HITLANTIS's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
2. HITLANTIS (hitlantis) on Twitter
HITLANTIS (hitlantis) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow HITLANTIS (hitlantis) and get their latest updates
3. HITLANTIS | Facebook
HITLANTIS - THIS PAGE IS NO LONGER ACTIVE! Please join the official HITLANTIS-Facebook group: | Facebook
4. Hitlantis for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Learn more, read reviews, and download Hitlantis by Cognitive Maps Ltd on the iTunes App Store.
5. New: Hitlantis (Music)
You've never seen an app like this before! Use it to discover new music with Hitlantis – a highly acclaimed visual discovery engine, finally in App Store! As seen ...
6. Hitlantis - ArcticStartup
Hitlantis is a new service built around finding content discovery. The co-founders of the company are Timo Poijrvi and Petri Kotro. The service is in beta and works in the ...
7. Hitlantis Maps Its Way to Closing $1.5m in Angel Funding
ShareThis. press release. Hitlantis announced today that it has closed an over-subscribed angel investment of $1.5 million targeted to accelerating development and expansion ...
8. Twitter / @hitlantis/Hitlanders
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