1. Dichanthium annulatum
Herbage in India, depending on soil moisture yields 2-20 MT/ha; in a semi-arid area in Cuba - 17 MT DM/ha (46% of yield from dry season with sprinkler irrigation); in India ...
2. Integrated Plant Nutrition Management in Mali
... that 16 to 47 ha of grazing land per hectare of cropped land were required to produce sufficient amounts of manure for sustaining a maize yield of 1 to 3 t per ha in a semi-arid ...
... estimated that 16 to 47 ha of grazing land per ha of cropped land were required to produce sufficient amounts of manure for sustaining a maize yield of 1 to 3 tons per ha in a semi ...
4. 宁波立立半导体有限公司
网 址: www.hainasemi.com: 地 址: 浙江省·宁波市·北仑区 兴业四路7号
5. 杭州海纳半导体有限公司网站首页 | 主营半导体;
浙江 杭州 杭州市浙大路38号 电话:86-0571-87951047; 手机: 传真:86-0571-87951935; 网址:http://www.hainasemi.com
6. CiNii 論文 - 北海道南東部におけるノビタキ ...
Breeding density was 0.8 to 1.0nests/ha in a semi-natural grassland (A), and 0.4 to 0.5nests/ha in an unsuitable habitat composed mainly of cultivated fields and pastures (B).
7. CSIA现有会员名录:半导体支撑类[CSIA]
杭州海纳半导体有限公司 http://www.hainasemi.com 杭州杭鑫电子工业有限公司 http://www.hzhangxin.com 杭州凯克斯浙大机电有限公司 http://www.Kayex.com ...
8. repository.forcedmigration.org
9. Российско-Китайское торгово ...
1: ALF GROUP: www.alf-group.com: 2: ANHUA ZHOULI INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. www.yosm.com: 3: ANHUI ANDA NATIVE PRODUCTS CO., LTD. www.garlicoil.com
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