1. Community | MTV UK - New Music Videos, Reality TV Shows, Celebrity ...
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2. QUEST - At the heart of the action
On Next. 11:00 Mainstream With Matt Hayes . 11:30 Mainstream With Matt Hayes . 12:00 A Car Is Born
3. Hey guys please could you help me get on TV please? - Yahoo! UK ...
Best Answer: Voted for you! If you’re looking for more places, where to get votes, this resource gives a good list of places to do that: http://www.contestmob.com ...
4. TV Casting Directory - appear on TV
: Get your stories published in the Press and Media with the help of Media Agent Alison Smith-Squire
5. Australia and New Zealand Magazine » Moving to Australia ? Get ...
If you are moving to Australia this year, then come to Down Under Live and get the chance to appear on Channel 4’s “Phil Down Under”. Down Under Live, the UK’s ...
6. Whats the best way to get on tv? apart from commiting a crime ...
Best Answer: Dress like a d*ck, sing terribly, do a stupid dance and audition for the x-factor ... go on pop idol or something like that, or some kind of ...
7. Get On TV - QUEST - At the heart of the action
Get On TV Planning a project? Got a builder's quote but it's eye-wateringly expensive? Tommy may just have the solution - if you're prepared to roll your sleeves up and ...
8. Radio and TV Training Courses in the UK
Details of various TV and Radio training courses available to those looking for a job in the UK broadcasting industry, or for those simply looking to improve their skills
9. powerhousetv.co.uk - Review - Get on tv for free!
Newest Review: ... see what they've got available on their website - www.powerhousetv.co.uk. At the moment they've got tickets to shows like Who Wan...