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Emedica - Excellence in medical education Welcome to the Emedica website. Emedica is the leading provider of education relevant to GP training in the UK.
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Emedica Course bookings online. Welcome to the Emedica course booking site. You can book any of our courses online or by post. If booking online, payments will be ...
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BMJ Careers Situational Judgement Test Article sample questions with answers . Section 1 . You have just started a job as a medical F2 in a new hospital.
4. UKCAT Preparation from Emedica and UKCATPrep.com - Ace your UKCAT exam
Emedica UKCAT Preparation online - the closest thing to the real exam! We have designed our UKCAT revision package with just one aim in mind - to give you the closest ...
5. MRCGP AKT Preparation - MRCGP AKT Course - Pass the MRCGP AKT Exam
Key Points: Intensive preparation for the MRCGP AKT exam; Covers all 3 AKT domains - Clinical medicine, Organisational, Evidence interpretation; High yield topics for the AKT