1. Climate Change Pledge | Sign up
Join Us in the fight against climate change. The next few years will be crucial in tackling climate change – both at home and through an international agreement.
2. Dizzy Thinks: So much for "Ed's Pledge"
Following on from yesterday's post I was mildy amused to read the following on Ed Miliband's website "I pledge that if I am elected leader of the Labour Party I will ...
3. www.Edspledge.com - SmartViper - domain worth analyzer, historical ...
Edspledge com SmartViper Statistics Mashups. New website, climate change, the deal related sites. Advanced keyword suggestions. Last updated on October 2 2010.
4. 'I will use only as many plastic grocery bags as absolutely ...
This pledge has been successful! You can still add your name to it, because the deadline hasn't been reached yet.
5. David Cameron : davidcammegh.com, centralintouch.com, edspledge ...
Slapometer. Vote with the back of your hand. Slap along to the live debates for the UK 2010 general election. Tagged as: gordon brown, david cameron, nick clegg.
6. Ed Miliband | The Labour Party
Ed Miliband was elected Labour leader in September, 2010, pledging to restore trust in the Labour party. In his acceptance speech, Ed said
7. Members - Rochester Rams
Members. Below, you're find listings for our full and associate members, Brothers of the Rochester Rams. Assocaite membership is intended for those who cannot ...
8. YouTube - Eddie Izzard on The Paul OGrady Show 3 December ...
Eddie promotes his running, his Stripped DVD and his bio-pic Believe. Whew!
9. The Labour Party - Policies
Britain's democratic socialist party. The values Labour stands for today, social justice, a strong community and strong values, reward for hard work, decency and rights ...
10. YouTube - Kate Quilton | Showreel
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