1. Dukat (Star Trek) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gul Dukat is the main antagonist of the fictional television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He is a member of the fictional Cardassian species, and leader in the ...
2. Dukat - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
"One man's villain is another man's hero, captain."
3. www.dukat.hr
Pravilna prehrana; Zdravim navikama protiv gripe; Ako se na vrijeme pripremite te pravilnim izborom hrane ojačate svoj imunološki sustav, vrlo je vjerojatno da će vas ...
4. dukat | eBay
Buy dukat, Toys Hobbies items on eBay. Find great deals on Collectibles, Coins Paper Money items and get what you want now!
5. Ducat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The ducat (pronounced /ˈdʌkət/) is a gold coin that was used as a trade coin throughout Europe before World War I. Its weight is 3.4909 grams of .986 gold, which is 0 ...
6. State Farm Agent Jeff Dukat -- Syracuse,NY
Street Address: 3328 West Genesee Street Fairmount Centre Syracuse, NY 13219-1399 Mailing Address: 3328 W Genesee St Syracuse, NY 13219-1399. Landmark:
7. Internacionalni festival folklora ::: International folk festival ...
Međunarodni festival folklora "Dukat fest", jedinstvena je manifestacija u Republici Srpskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini, koja ima cilj da tradicionalno okuplja folklorne ...
8. Dukat - Star Trek Expanded Universe - Fan fiction, RPG, fan films
Dukat was a gul-level officer of the Cardassian Union, former overseer of Terok Nor and prefect of Bajor during the Cardassian occupation. He negotiated Cardassia's ...
9. Contact - www.dukat.hr
Dukat mliječna industrija d.d. Marijana Čavića 9 10 000 Zagreb Telephone: +385 1 2392 222 Fax: +385 1 2450 030 DUKAT mliječna industrija d.d ...