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Updated: 26 Apr 2010
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Content pages from the website

1. Discuss Movies - Your Ultimate Movie Discussion Forum
Discuss Movies is a friendly discussion forum for movie lovers. Join us and review movies, talk about your favorite celebs and more.

Related pages about the website

1. Where can I discuss movies online? | Ask MetaFilter
I'm looking for an active message board/forum/community/etc that focuses on the discussion of film. Not too dumb. Not too pretentious. Basically, a place where one could get into ...
2. Discuss: Movies We Can Watch Multiple Ways - The Moviefone Blog
This might get spoilery (especially in the comments section), so consider yourself warned. I have a friend who argues that Rob Zombie's Halloween 2
3. Discuss movies you have watched recently.
1UP Non-Games Discussion - Discuss movies you have watched recently.
4. Discuss Movies 
Does anyone out there agree that Top Gear and its infantile presenters are a total waste of the BBC's (sor...
5. Discuss Movies 
So many movies have great death scenes. Can we come up with a list of the best ones...?
6. Discuss Movies | Mac OS X Leopard & Tiger Dual Boot
Mac OS X Leopard & Tiger Dual Boot. Fixes for Apple AirPort, QuickTime AVI, and other Leopard Issues
7. Discuss: Movies on iPod
Hi all, This week's poll question is about the comment from James Cameron that watching Avatar on the iPhone would be dumb. Discuss here what you think about using these (and ...
Discussmovies org SmartViper Statistics Mashups. Forum, discussion forum, discussion related sites. Advanced keyword suggestions. Last updated on September 29 2010.
9. Ferrell and McKay Discuss Movies |
Will Ferrell & Adam McKay Toast & Roast IMDB from Will Ferrell Asking Will Ferrell and Adam McKay questions like,What do movies contribute to culture? and

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