1. Crafts and Crafters
Crafts and Crafters Homepage ... This site will showcase crafts (other than decorative knotting and braiding), crafters and crafts organizations.
2. Play a Crafter Today!
Here you can find one of the finest guitars in the world.
3. Craftster.org - A Community for Crafts and DIY Projects with Free ...
Craftster.org is an online community for crafts and DIY where you can find loads of ideas, advice, and inspiration. Hundreds of thousands of free craft projects, craft ...
4. Craft Books - Quilting, Knitting, Sewing at Crafter's Choice Book Club
Quilting, Knitting and Sewing Books at Crafter's Choice Book Club . Crafter's Choice offers quality, discount craft books covering every area of the crafting universe.
5. Curriculum Crafter
Check out some of the new Common Core Draft Units of Instruction.
6. The Sometimes Crafter
I have been patiently waiting for Three Kitchen Fairies blog-aversary to tell you a little more about Amanda’s Knitting Bag so I would have a reason to link to her ...
7. Crafter Brasil
Crafter Brasil Instrumentos musicais : violões, guitarras, baixos, afinadores
8. BuyIt.com: Online Shopping - Bedding, Furniture, Electronics ...
Buyit.com, The Internet Superstore™, where you'll always find the latest and greatest brands at prices you can afford.