1. Beta Test Bible Mesh and Get It Free for 2 Years
Anwoth "O thirsty love, wilt thou set Christ, the well of life, to thy head, and drink thy fill?" Samuel Rutherford
2. Biblemesh — Blogs, Pictures, and more on WordPress
Why Johnny Can't Preach: Collin Hansen on BibleMesh. The latest issue of Christianity Today has a great article on cutting-edge discipleship material that seeks to address the lack ...
3. Get BibleMesh with Brand New Tim Keller Video « owen strachan
October 7, 2009...11:01 pm Get BibleMesh with Brand New Tim Keller Video ... Count me in for Bible Mesh.
4. 1517: Bible Mesh
THIS looks very cool. Bible Mesh... Walk through the story of God's dealings with His people. Dig into the ancient world of the Bible; Access an advanced learning platform and get tested ...
5. Beholding Him: Bible Mesh
I'm extremely excited about this new project! Check out the site at bible mesh. Go to the sneak preview!
6. Twitter / DJ Chuang: so Bible Mesh is title spo ...
so Bible Mesh is title sponsor for a Piper & Carson event in 2 weeks, but website still non-existent? http://bit.ly/15xWO
7. Bible Mesh Launches June 2010 | Sam Hill Group
After thousands of hours of work over several years, Bible Mesh launches this June. Biblemesh.com offers the first comprehensive online platform designed to