Teaching Ideas - Free lesson ideas, plans, activities and resour...
Find hundreds of free teaching ideas, lesson plans, and primary / secondary resources which can be used in the classroom. A fantastic resource for primary teachers!
Business Plan Writing Made Easy
Resources and help to help you write business plans for when starting a small business in the UK.
WordTalk - A free text-to-speech plugin for Microsoft Word
WordTalk - A free text-to-speech plugin for Microsoft Word. For people with reading and writing difficulties, having text reinforced by hearing it read aloud can be very...
English language courses. School of English. English language s...
Learn English in England - Study English in England. Schools of English language, England
Oetker Collection - Europe's most prestigious hotel collection
The Oetker Group has been writing hotel history for decades on end, now the cluster of hotels belonging to Oetker has a name:
How to Make a Living Online
Help and Income Ideas on How to Make a Living Online

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