Killicomaine Junior High School, Portadown, County Armagh
Best reviews by a Musician and Piano Teacher. Read my top rated master piano and video piano course reviews including learn and master piano and pianoforall
James Abela's ELT Website with resources for English teachers including interactive resources, lesson plans, handouts a special search engine and links to relevant EFL si...
Welcome to the Devon School of Tai Chi, we run weekend retreats and holidays, workshops and training courses. We also cater for businesses and have an excellent online sh...
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Buy non-slip oeko-tex sticky yoga mats for adults and kids, blocks, belts, straps, bags, back arch, easy arch, back benders, bricks, DVDs, clothing, books, aromatherapy a...
Life, Style, Coach, Facilitator, Speaker, Motivator, Interpreter, TEFL, Teacher., live, France, Oxford, Dubai, Italy, United Emirates, Police, IPA, ICF
Wolverhampton based consultants offering teacher support and development, including behaviour management, classroom management, pupil mentoring, audits, child protection...
Therapies include massage, Reiki, aromatherapy, sports injury therapy and Indian Head Massage. Based near Fort William in the Highlands of Scotland.
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