Young People's Trust for the Environment - Information for Kids...
UK charity encouraging young people's understanding of the environment. Competitions, fact sheets and projects for teachers and kids.
Geek in the Park
A yearly all-day family event for web developers and designers, including a relaxing picnic and an evening of illuminating talks by web industry leaders.
Professor Andy Miah
"We no longer need specialist knowledge, but transdisciplinary creative solutions"
JungleDrums Online|The best of Brazilian and Latin A...
JungleDrums is a bi-lingual Brazilian and Latin American magazine that talks about culture, entertainment, lifestyle and music in the UK. It is written in both English an...
Africa Talks Climate
Africa Talks Climate (ATC) is a major research and communications partnership project undertaken by the BBC World Service Trust and funded by the British Council. It will...
free buddhist audio : : free mp3s and texts on buddhism and med...
free buddhist audio offers free mp3 downloads of lectures and talks on buddhism and meditation
Internet Marketing Blog | SEO | SEM | Affiliate Marketing | Art...
Blog about internet marketing, SEO, SEM, Affiliate Marketing and more
Safety training and compliance online -
Federal OSHA and state compliance and training resources in plain English

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