Figurines Sculpture Finesse are the 3 bywords of master sculptor Peter Holland. From the bone china collectibles to bronze art all the techniques are here
Peter Randall-Page,studied sculpture at Bath Academy of Art (1973-77). During the last 25 years his sculpture, drawing and prints have been exhibited widely in the UK and...
{a}rtby Denius - Chainsaw Sculpture, Carving and Natural Carpentry by Denius
Jozef Pyrz and his religious sculptures inspired by biblical texts
Gallery of modern art, portfolio authors. The internet is a shop. Comfortable space for placing and presentation of Your works. You can purchase or order work, picture...
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David Vanorbeek, Artdeev is a sculptor in the south of France, Aude, Languedoc Roussillon, who makes figurative and abstract metal art sculptures for interior and exterio...