Spine Surgery, Back Pain Relief - New Jersey Spine Center, NJSC
New Jersey Spine Center specializes in relieving the pain and other symptoms of spinal conditions through our multi-specialty approach to spine care. We use a multi-disci...
21st Century Back Care
TAMARS has been developed to help fix the most common cause of back and neck pain which is described as mechanical back and neck pain. We have identified in almost all ca...
Amatsu Therapy Association - ATA
Amatsu therapy is a modern adaptation of a soft tissue therapy that has been used for thousands of years in Japan. It is based on ancient principles of natural movement a...
Utah Pain and Rehab - Integrated Healthcare and Pain Management...
Utah Pain and Rehab is an integrated healthcare and pain management company. Solving your problem in with caring, unhurried physicians that have the time for you is Our g...
Bullock Family Chiropractic in Lexington, KY, Chiropractor in Le...
Lexington Kentucky Chiropractor, Bullock Family Chiropractic, Your Lexington Health and Wellness Center for your Entire Family. This site provides information on Bulloc...
Back Pain Explained - Back Pain, Sciatica, Posture - Understand...
Back Pain Explained describes the anatomy of our back, explains what back pain is and how it can be both treated and prevented.

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