Diamond Light Source
The Diamond synchrotron is the largest UK-funded scientific facility to be built for over 40 years
LIMS & Successful Scientific & Business Software Solutions
LIMS & Successful Scientific & Business Software Solutions | LIMS : Laboratory Information Management System - lims for all labs
Colco Scientific - Secondhand Laboratory and Medical Equipment W...
Colco Scientific deals in Secondhand Laboratory and Medical Equipment worldwide. Buy equipment DIRECT FROM END-USERS at low prices, or sell YOUR SURPLUS equipment through...
royalsociety.tv - royalsociety.tv - The Royal Society
The Royal Society is a Fellowship of 1400 outstanding individuals who represent all areas of science, engineering and medicine and who form a global scientific network of...
Summer Science Exhibition - Summer Science Exhibition - The Roya...
The Royal Society is a Fellowship of 1400 outstanding individuals who represent all areas of science, engineering and medicine and who form a global scientific network of...
Faculty of Health - University of East Anglia (UEA)
The Faculty of Health, University of East Anglia, is a very special place that builds on a strong tradition in innovation and vision in research and training.

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