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Legal Secretary Training, Jobs and Membership - The Institute of...
ILSPA provides accredited Legal Secretary courses and our niche jobs board holds Legal Secretary jobs throughout the UK. The Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs also p...
Employee Benefits - Home Computing for your Employees!
Home Computing Scheme for staff provided by Lets Connect
My Salary | Average Salary
Average salary information - find the salary you should be earning with our average salary camparison tool. Thousands of accurate job titles on file. Choose your industr...
Jobs In Demand - Demanding Jobs has never been easier!
Online Recruitment - Jobs in Demand online recruitment is one of the biggest recruitment companies in the UK with hundreds of vacancies available for searching online. Th... - Effective CV distribution and job search.
Online recruitment service. E-mail your CV to over 1000 main recruiters, employment agencies and head-hunters in the UK according to your profession and region.
Executive Search & Selection - Executive Jobs, Recruitment...
Executive Search and Selection specialists Novo Executive provide its clients with the most innovative executive search and selection methodologies backed by industry exp...
The Salary Calculator - 2010 Tax Calculator
The Salary Calculator tells you monthly take-home, or annual earnings, considering UK Tax, National Insurance and Student Loan. The latest budget information from April 2...
Nelson Mandela Children's Fund - NMCF UK | Nelson Mandela Childr...
One of Nelson Mandela's first actions on becoming President of the newly democratic South Africa in 1994 was to establish the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund. He committed...

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