Hoover Karate – The Best Karate & Self Defense Academy In Th...
The Best Karate & Self Defense Academy In The Lehigh Valley
Olympia Martial Arts Karate School. Karate for adults, teens and...
Olympia Martial Arts is a karate school serving adults, teens and kids in Irvine and Tustin in Orange County as a learning center for different styles of martial arts.
Okinawa Shorin Ryu New Zealand (Matsubayashi Ryu) karate - kobud...
Matsubayashi Ryu is a uniquely Okinawan style of karate, relaxed and natural, fast and powerful. It was developed from Shuri-te and Tomari-te. Matsubayashi Ryu is one o...
WwW.Zangief.Tk - Red Cyclone
Zangief, also known as the
Karate Site - Welcome
Karate Site - A fresh view for karate parents, students and instructors
Shuriway Karate & Kobudo Website
Shuriway Karate & Kobudo Website providing a free reference resource for the noble discipline of Karate and Kobudo, for current practitioners, newcomers and those int...
The EGKA preserves and teaches the traditional Okinawan martial...
The English Goju-Ryu Karate-do Association (EGKA) led by Sensei Ernie Molyneux. This site contains useful informaton for EGKA members and details of forthcoming martial a...

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