The UK's Co-Buyer, Co-Investor, Co-Renter Website - Shared Owner...
Shared Spaces - The UK's co-buyer network. Buy property with others to multiply your funds and divide all costs and responsibility. Buy what you want where you want to li...
We help companies build their brand at the corporate level. Our expertise is in helping our clients define and articulate their strategy and positioning, understand the m...
Lovell - Home
Lovell Partnerships is a leading provider of mixed-tenure affordable housing. Our services include open market sale of new homes, design and build, and refurbishment, foc...
Firetail - Strategy Consulting for Civil Society
Firetail is a strategy consulting firm that works on non-profit strategy and environmental responsibility issues. It is based in London and run by Andy Martin.
The Data Service
The Data Service has been established as the single authoritative source of data for post-16 further education, with sole responsibility for its collection and disseminat...
Growing Ambitions - career speaker volunteering in education
Growing Ambitions ::: The Careers Speakers Matchmaking Service for Education where the workplace shares its experiences with young people.
Wireless Data Services - Mobile Data Services | WIN Ltd.
Wireless data services and mobile data services from Win Plc. Trusted by many of the world's biggest brands to deliver the competitive advantage.

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