The World Police and Fire Games are coming to Northern Ireland in 2013. These world class games will attract competitors and spectators from all across the world.
Welcome to the Official Blade-Tech Knife Sharpener Website, take the time to look at our goods including leather and canvas pouches for your knife sharpener and a full ra...
Horley Animal Rescue is an animal rescue group helping to find and rehome cats and dogs in the Horley and Reigate area of Surrey
Hertfordshire County Council provides services for children, schools, libraries, environmental services, older people and people with disabilities, consumer and business...
The Scottish Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dog Rescue is an entirely voluntary charitable organisation dedicated to the rescue and rehoming of staffy's in Scotland, UK.
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Toybox offers hope and opportunity to street children in Peru, Bolivia and Guatemala, giving them the chance of a new start and a brighter future
The Scottish SPCA is Scotland's animal welfare charity. Our objectives are to prevent cruelty to animals and promote kindness and humanity in their treatment. Our animal...