Ecotex Limited, export quality second hand clothing, shoes, wipi...
We collect unwanted clothing and rags from charities, local authorities, schools, and household waste recycling centres for sorting and recycling.
How to Recycle and Reuse Your Waste at Recycling Expert (UK)
Looking to use recycling to cut down on your waste? When we show you how much it's possible to recycle you'll be amazed!
international waste exchange - scrap market - waste recycling |...
Waste, secondary material, recycled scrap market place.
Collection & Recycling of Empty Toner, Ink, & Printer Cartridges...
Since 1992, I.T.P. have collected, purchased and sold many millions of empty toner and inkjet cartridges. If you have empty cartridges or used mobile phones that you woul...
Gardening With Children - Love Your Environment! - interactive c...
Welcome to the home of Gardening with Children, a website specially designed to be an interactive classroom, allotment plot, and hobby garden of 21st century. We work und...
Krushr plc Home
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The Krüshr Waste Management and Recycling Centre is a unique kitchen appliance that has been designed specifically to help you make light work of separating, crushing and...
Waste Management and Recycling Services for London and the South...
Waste Management and Recycling Services for London and the South East