British Green Products - The UK Directory aimed at Eco-Friendly... is an online directory for consumers who purchase ethical, environmentally friendly green products, to search and locate companies that provide...
Unusual Christmas/Xmas greetings cards incl. recycled. Unique, i...
Unusual recycled greetings cards for Christmas... pop-up cards, innovative 3D xmas cards, unique designer cards, for company / corporate / business personalisation or per...
Centre for Alternative Technology Home Page
CAT aims to 'inspire, inform, and enable' people to live more sustainably. A solutions driven organisation, offering practical solutions to environmental problems, our ke...
Blue Dog Cushion Company
Cushions, throws, bedding, textiles and gifts from around the world, variously made from organic material, hand crafted, vintage, recycled or fair trade, materials of the...
Composite Timber | Composite Wood | WPC Timber | Plastic Wood -...
Composite Timber, Composite Wood, WPC Timber, Plastic Wood - Ultra Deck From Dura Composites Ltd
Sprout Design Ltd. Industrial Design Consultants
Sprout designs products that are easier to use and are better for the environment
Eco Ultra Board - Lightweight boards for exhibitions and display...
Eco, lightweight board, from Ultra Board, using recycled paper and board, for cost effective exhibition panels and display solutions.
Wedding Plans and Tips
Great ideas and information to plan your perfect wedding. Practical advice for your wedding plans.

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