Books, Journals, eProducts, Resources and Information in the subject of Sport Studies
The International Directory of Market Research Information, Agencies, Organisations and Reports
Writersworld - leading book publishers in self-publishing, print-on-demand books and book reprints in the United Kingdom that also issues the ISBN in the author's name, p...
Publishers of a Variety of Military, Aviation, Maritime, Local History, True Crime and Nostalgia Books.
ALPSP - Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers - Shaping the Future of Learned and Professional Publishing
UK based publishers of an online pharmaceutical technology journal focusing on biochemistry and biotechnology research, chemical technology and clinical trials.
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This site provides continually updated records from the Retail Directory, Trade databases. Hemming Information Services is the publishing division of Hemming Group Ltd. P...
UPM are the appointed sales representatives and UK office for a group of distinguished academic publishers from the United States, the United Kingdom and Continental Euro...
Affiliate programs directory- Guide to affiliate marketing. Find the best CPA, Pay Per Lead, Revenue Share and Pay per click affiliate programs, read tips from savy marke...