Reflexology Training: The Holistic School of Reflexology, Christ...
The Holistic School of Reflexology, run by Elisa Lanau and based in Christchurch, New Zealand, runs courses in reflexology and foot pathology for practitioners, graduates...
Medical Billing Services, Dental Billing Services, Medical Codin...
Medisweans, a trusted name in medical billing business, has a history of delivering quality medical billing services to physicians and dental practitioners cutting across...
NLP Conference: Neuro Linguistic Programming Seminar, NLP Traini...
NLP Conference (neuro linguistic programming) organises an annual three day NLP Conference in London in November and a one day Conference in April with workshops and semi...
Medical Cosmetic Treatments Advice - British Association of Cosm...
The BACD exists to advance safe and ethical cosmetic medicine to the benefit of medical practitioners and members of the public. We represent cosmetic medical practioners...
The Feng Shui Society, Accredited Feng Shui Consultants In The U...
The Feng Shui Society lists Accredited Feng Shui Society Consultants in the UK and Ireland. The latest feng shui courses, trainings and events. Learn how feng shui can he...
Spiritual Response Therapy - Spiritual Restructuring - SRT - SpR
Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is about the power of the subconscious mind and the part it plays in programming your life today. Spiritual Response Therapy , Spiritual... - A comprehensive information resource on Fibromyalgi...
Excellent collection of resources to educate patients about all aspects of Fibromyalgia.

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