Top Ten Lists at
The ultimate list of top tens, most popular things, people, places and anything you can think of. Create polls to compares things, share them with your friends, vote them...
航海者 -
XOOPS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP.
Get your glasses on! - NERDSociety
We cover pop culture including comics, video games, movies, gadgets, technology, mma, action figures and comics. The weekly polls invites readers to interact with the si... - movievovie
movies, movie, films, reviews, latest, tickets, theatres, download, online, watch, information, film, critic, best, review
The Polls Bay - We Let You Choose The Best
We Let You Choose The Best, The Polls Bay is community website where you can Create, Find, Vote unlimited numbers of polls of your interest for free, also can interact wi...
TouchnVote | Audience Response System and Live voting system by...
TouchnVote is an application especially designed for event planners that enable people to comment, vote, answer questions, quizz and polls by SMS, web and mobile applicat...
ITF-MO#369 And KickBoxing : 誠武館
Powered by Shing Wu Association(c) 2003 <a href="" target="_blank">誠武館</a>
Harry's Virtual Dimension-Blog, Album, iPhone Jailbreak, In...
XOOPS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP. - 100% Free survey tool & questionnaire maker. provides a free hosted tool for creating online surveys, forms, polls and questionnaires. 100% free with no Subscriptions, Charges, Adverts, Limitations or Gimm...
XOOPS Site - Activités - bonjour - Articles
XOOPS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP.

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