Writer's Notebook | 'When inspiration comes, I want it...
This website is a fusion of the scribblings that make up my personal writing notebooks. Here you will find writing exercises and tips that have helped me, alongside the...
The Writer's Forum
A place to read, publish and comment on both Fiction and Non-Fiction.
Brittle Star magazine for poetry and short stories
Brittle Star is a fantastic literary magazine with a reputation for publishing talented new writers. Each issue is crammed with fresh poetry, short stories and regular fe...
Battle of Maldon
The Battle of Maldon: This took place in 991AD when the Vikings raided the Essex coast. This site contains a translation of the peom, pictures, and much background inform...
Inpress Books UK - The Online Bookstore for Independent Publishe...
Inpress Books UK - Online retailer of books published by independent UK presses
Federico García Lorca
Exploring the works of Spain's most celebrated poem and dramatist, Federico García Lorca.
Peter Sinfield's Song Soup on Sea
Song Soup on Sea : The Peter Sinfield Web Domain Official site of poet-lyricist Peter Sinfield. Best known for his work with King Crimson, Emerson Lake and Palmer and PF...

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