National Literacy Trust
The National Literacy Trust is a UK charity that transforms lives through literacy. We campaign to improve public understanding of the vital importance of literacy and pr...
Junior Scholars
At Junior Scholars, you will find a treasure trove of products and services specially designed to help 5-12 year olds reach their true potential.
Multiplication Tables, Maths Teaching Resources and Numeracy Cha...
UK based creators of flexible division, percentages, fractions, subtraction, addition and multiplication tables, ideal as maths teaching resources for home and school use... - teaching resources and educational links fo...
free teaching resources and teaching ideas for primary school teachers - classroom displays, lesson plans, reading journals, worksheets, wordsearches and spellings, schem...
Dyslexia learning aids, teaching and phonics resources, colored...
Dyslexia learning aids and teaching resources, phonics resources, colored overlays for reading and other visual stress support, spelling games and other phonics activitie...
Lawrence Educational: Early Years Foundation Stage: Primary and...
Lawrence Educational: Exciting ideas and activities for young children. Publications and other resources for practitioners in early years settings, nurseries and primary...
Phonics Lessons
Using phonics to help struggling readers and spellers
Phonics International-Phonics International - Online Synthetic P...
Online Synthetic Phonics Programme (Program) from Debbie Hepplewhite - a highly organised, systematic and yet flexible synthetic phonics programme especially designed for...
Synthetic Phonics from Phonics Consultant Debbie Hepplewhite
explains and promotes the use of synthetic phonics, provider of synthetic phonics training and resources in the teaching of reading, writing and spelling.

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