Programming Pakistan - Programming, News and Tips at your Doorst...
Programming Pakistan is a site aimed at designers, developers and beginners, offering tutorials, tips and articles to improve your knowledge and skills relating to progra...
Online Urdu Phonetic Keyboard - Inpage Urdu Editor for Typing Ur...
Simple Urdu Keyboard to type Urdu - Best Phonetic Editor to write Urdu for Online use - Beautiful Interface for comfortable typing. - Home
Technical, security and webmaster resources.
Kanjizone - Translate your name with Japanese Name Translator
Japanese name translator: translates your name into Japanese writing including kanji, katakana, hiragana and romaji.
Learn Korean: Exploring Korean lessons for free, korean lesson t...
A step by step tutorial to learn Korean. Explore Korean contains lessons about the Korean alphabet, sentence structure, korean culture, and sound clips to aid in pronunci...

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