Art Deco Paintings - Art Deco Prints - Art Deco Paintings for the collectors and dealers of art deco - Art Deco Paintings - Art Deco Oil Painting - The Deco Shop
John Dyer's contemporary art web site with original paintings, John Dyer limited edition prints, John Dyer gallery links, exhibition listings homeware and news
Colour Shaper - A new tool that provides new styles, textures and effects to all your art work for us with oil paint, pastel, watercolour, clay.
The British Coatings Federation represents 140 plus companies in the printing and painting industries. Training and education information and advice on health and safety...
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still life paintings, representing simple subjects in a direct and austere manner
Coastal scenes from the west of Cornwall, England.
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Military models including Tamiya, Dragon, Revell, Italeri, Trumpeter and Hasegawa. Also stock plastic model kits for cars, motorbikes and ships. This is the online branch...