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The Back 40 is a community based resource that brings together leading individuals and organizations from the agricultural, environmental, industrial, and
The best wholesale properties at discount prices for investors looking for bargain deals in Mecklenburg. We have the best investment properties in Charlotte with the bes...
Waveworks, Inc. is an innovative company that owns a unique oscillator technology called trigger-mode distributed wave oscillator (TWDWO).
Ludwig Wendzich lives in Auckland, NZ, and owns Web Creative, a web design/development shop. There he also organises Barcamp Auckland, the largest unconference in the cou...
The theoretical power source known as Coldfusion (or cold fusion) also known as low energy nuclear reaction promise to deliver huge amounts of energy
Home-MotoSpeed Ventures (MSV) is a diverse portfolio company that owns and operates various Motorsports related brands and provides marketing services.
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portalnovel.blogspot.com is a collection of personal literature in English which we translated into Indonesian. all the literature the author owns the copyright in accord...