Bromley Sports Injury Clinic | Osteopathy and cranial osteopath...
Osteopath offering osteopathic treatment, cranial osteopathy & sports injury clinic in Bromley - Jolly Backs Osteopathic Practice
Comprehensive complementary medicine Centre in the North-West of...
Complemed Therapy's new approach offers the best in complementary and conventional medicine. In addition to providing patients with excellent treatments, such as acupunct...
welcome to the Cheltenham Holistic Health Centre website
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We offer around twenty different well-established disciplines and treat around 300 patients per week. All the therapists are fully qualified and registered with relevant...
BAPAM: health advice for musicians, actors, singers, dancers and...
Caring for performers' health | BAPAM: British Association for Performing Arts Medicine
Complementary and alternative medicine UK
Search for a practitioner of complementary and alternative medicine and/or advertise services. Alternative medicine news items, links, books, professional organisations....