Coast to Coast 2011 | adidas TERREX Adventure Race
Open Adventure are proud to be teamed up with adidas to present a non-stop 4 day expedition race. The combination is unstoppable with Open Adventure's experience of prepa...
LOC - Lakeland Orienteering Club
Lakeland Orienteering Club (LOC) has over 300 members covering all ages and standards from beginner to expert. Our Members and events are primarily in South Lakeland in N... - a site of surprising diversity
A diverse 650-page site covering militaria, Northern Ireland, Central Europe, quotations on all these, RMA Sandhurst, the West Midlands and orienteering + more besides.
East Pennine Orienteering Club
All about the East Pennine Orienteering Club
freax; UK adventure activities and team building
professionally led courses and outdoor activities from highly experienced instructors. For groups, schools, corporate bodies and individuals.
The Ultimate Pedometers Resource -
The Ultimate Pedometers Resource with pedometers from K&R, Silva, Omron, Timex, Oregon Scientific, Tanita and Yamax.
Спортивное ориентирование в Луганске.
Спортивное ориентирование в Луганске - это сайт о спортивном ориентировании и в какой то мере лёгкой атлетике, на сайте самя большая библиотека методической литературы по...

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