Allylamine,Diallylamine,Triallylamine,DADMAC,DMDAAC,PolyDADMAC,PolyDMDAAC,PolyDADMAC/AM,PolyDMDAAC/AM,Flocculants,Coagulants,Water treatment chemicals,Oilfield auxiliarie...
Downhole Products Plc are specialist oilfield designers and manufacturers of the ultimate drag and torque reduction solid body zinc alloy centralizers as widely used in t...
Offshore + onshore specialist oilfield personnel, InterServices recruitment agency, Aberdeen, Scotland
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Fike is a globally recognized supplier of rupture discs, bursting discs, explosion protection, fire protection, fire alarm, fire detection and oilfield product solutions.
Saftek manufacture a full range of high quality non-asbestos friction materials for industrial, marine, agricultural and vintage and classic applications.
A monthly magazine offering industry news, statistics and technical editorial to the oil and gas drilling, exploration and production industry.
Environmental Consulting Services Calgary, Alberta, land/well site reclamation, remediation, Construction Supervision Services to the Upstream Oil & Gas Industry, includi...
Camex Equipment Sales & Rentals, Your #1 Source for Oilfield Transportation Equipment!
Suppliers of high technology engineering solutions and skid mounted process equipment to the international oil, gas and water industries