The Klamath Writers' Guild is a nonprofit organization inspired by writers to help its members in the pursuit of attaining publication, while providing an atmosphere and...
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is the leading voice for arts and culture Downtown and throughout NYC
Váqum-plast Kft.
A Váqum-Plast Kft 2011 júliusában alakult a KÉZMŰ Nonprofit Kft fennhatósága alatt működő Vákuum üzem utódjaként. Fő profilunk az extrudálás és a vákuumformázás, emellett...
Non Governmental Organizations | NGOs India | NGOs in Bangalore...
The Shruth And Smith Foundation is an independent, nonprofit, nongovernmental organization committed to work towards resolving enduring problems in social, educational an...
Mainstream Services, Inc.
Mainstream Services is a licensed, nonprofit behavioral health agency dedicated to provide quality services to persons with developmental disabilities.
Young Power in Social Action
YPSA is a nonprofit, social development organization registered with the different departments of Bangladesh Government. 3 decades in development partnership since 1985.
Charity Fundraising Events for Nonprofits|HUG
HUG coordinates events for charities and nonprofits with a focus on incorporating branding for targeted demographics during fundraising
Under Solen Media LLC | You have the story. We amplify it.
Under Solen provides dynamic, cutting-edge social media and marketing strategies and development for the outdoor and nonprofit worlds in an interactive format that engage...
Children Obesity in America | Child Obesity Charities - Deweydoe...
Deweydoes is a children nonprofit organization which motivates children to put 110% of their efforts in whatever activity they are involved. Our aim is to make children...
Nonprofit Fundraising Software for Donor Management and Online F...
0 Reviews [ softrek.com ]
SofTrek Nonprofit Fundraising Software: Providing donor management software, online fundraising, and decision support to non profits.